Why is it that whenever I visit a different social environment the wisdom of God, the songs that we sing and the words we read in scripture seem so much more imminently real? It's beginning to frustrate me.
In India I'm amazed at the transformation from life to death, from moribund idols to the true and living God, to looking after orphans and widows - faith with fruit.
Tonight some of the lines we sung took upon an entirely new meaning for me. Feeling slightly frustrated that I don't live in a place where there is more at stake than where your earnings fall between £10,000 or £60,000 . Maybe that's a bit unfair and I'm just not involved in the right things, I'm chuffed my church is trying to provide a family for these soldiers, and I want to be a support too where I can. Western consumerism has just become so effective at convincing itself it has no need to worry about life, death and the things of God. There needs to be an urgency about my faith that refuses to recline into the comfortability of the likelihood that I will live until I'm 80 and nothing really matters that much. With all the naivety in the world, the more real these words are to me, the more likely it is that I am fully relying on my God for everything I have, a position I want and need to be in.
"Blessed be your name when I'm found in the desert place, when I walk through the wilderness, Blessed be your name"
"And though I walk the darkest path, I will not fear the evil one, for YOU are with me and your rod and staff are the comfort I need to know"
"Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; 'Tis grace has brought me safe this far, And grace will lead me home"
"Blessed be your name, On the road marked with suffering, though there's pain in the offering, Blessed be your name"